Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Today is Give-Away Day!

One of my absolute favorite blogs, Sew, Mama, Sew, has declared today Give-Away Day! I slipped my blog in just under the wire to participate.

Here's how it works. Today, lots and lots of crafty bloggers are all giving away something hand crafted or items to aid and abet a hand-crafter. You can enter to win by leaving a comment on their individual blogs. I love this idea because it's always cool to win something but even cooler to find crafty blogs!

Here is my give-away item. It's the first of my Padded Pouches:

I am especially charmed by the interior:

I'm a sucker for a good stripe.

Unlike my other pouches, this pouch is a little smaller and padded with cushy fleece. It's got a cozy feel and the fleece adds some extra protection for anything delicate that lives in the pouch. I'll be adding this pouch to my shop later today.

To win this pouch, leave a comment answering this question:

"What is the greatest prize you've ever won?"

Post your comment by 7:00 pm (PST) on Friday, December 5th, and my random number picker (ie, whichever kidling is closest to me at picking time) will select the winner. I'll ship off the pouch early next week and pay for domestic or international shipping.

Thanks for playing and go check out some other blogs!


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Eema-le said...

I love the fabric combo, and the colors.

pigbook1 said...

I have won some fabulous yarn, but my favorite was when I was a kid. I won a coloring contest and got a gift certificate to the grocery store and my mom let me buy whatever i wanted!

craftytammie said...

The greatest prize I've ever won was a $50 gift cert to a costume company, for placing third in a kid's cake decorating contest!

Corri Taylor said...

ive never really won anything when i was a kid i won candy bingo and got 15 candy bars! anyway can you enter me my e-mail is crunchycrafts@yahoo.com

kristin said...

My favorite prize was some tickets to a Better then Ezra concert that I won from a local radio station. I never win things so that ended up being a nice surprise.

Hannah Stevenson said...

I remember I won a little walkman that only played a certain radio station that was doing the give-away. I'll never forget it was "Y-95" and I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

Love what you are offering! SO CUTE!

Hannah said...

I won the lottery with my husband! He is certainly the best! Love the bag, please enter me!

B said...

I'm a sucker for good stripes too.

Funny thing, I just won something for the first time ever a couple of days ago. It is an Amy Butler pattern. So I'd have to say that is the best, but only because it's the only one I've ever won! Let's just say the winning charm doesn't ever find me! No offense to Amy Butler either, as I think I am going to love her pattern!

Casey said...

I haven't won much in my lifetime but when I was a kid I loved winning cakes in the cake walk game

Gigi said...

Awesome give away. The best prize I ever won....$$$$

Meadow said...

I won an itty bitty iPod from my work. I love it. SO much nicer than the classic iPod.

Debra said...

what a great fabric choice!! :pve ot!!
The greatest prize I ever won was a "food" basket at a carnival when I was young. I thought I had hit the jackpot!!!

Boat Bird said...

When I was at secondary school (what I'd guess is something like Junior High- I was 11), I won the top prize in a raffle- a boom box... being the 80's I was thrilled :) It was great and my mum didnt believe me when I rang her to pick me up from school that evening!

Angela Yosten said...

Love the bag... I wish I could answer this question, however I don't remember if I have never won anything.

Stacey - Elle Belle said...

Great pouch! The best prize I ever won was an opportunity to be on a radio game show I didn't win the game though :(

Shaina said...

I think my husband!!!!


~ Doreen said...

I won a trip to LA to a movie premier about 14 years ago.

Celeste said...

That is just lovely! The best prize I've one is probably a college scholarship--not sure if that counts. In the crafty world, I've won a couple yards of delicious fabric that have been so much fun to work with.

Joanna said...

Greatest prize I ever won? My hubby of course!!!

by Annie Claire said...

Best prize - a free hair cut! I was in dire need of one.
Cute bag, please count me in! Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

the greatest prize i ever won? i won a coloring contest when i was little and i won a HUGE teddy bear! it was actually bigger than me!

acmcs said...

I don't think that I have ever won a prize. That must be wrong, but I can't think of one. great fabric choice! thanks for the giveaway opp!

Amelia said...

I love Give Away Day! It's my favoritest day EVER!

When my son was a baby, we went to the Mall of America in Minneapolis for the Halloween costume contest. He won the costume contest out of over 10,000 costumes. Of course, he was the "official" winner, but I made the costume. It was great! He was a skunk made with faux fur. So cute! He won a $100 gift certificate and tickets to a broadway musical that was coming through town. Fun!

Bea said...

I would love to win this pouch. The "greatest" price I ever won was a simple ball at a carnival when I was 5 or 6. I rolled the dice and had three sixes.

hana.k said...

I've never won a prize actually... that's why I'm trying for all of these giveaways! I really love the fabric on the outside.

Katie @ makingthishome.com said...

That pouch is adorable. The stripes won me over! Your question is tough. But I once won a little tool kit at the lumberyard. The same month, my dad won a pink breast cancer quilt and wanted to swap for my manly prize!
Thanks for the chance.

Loralynn said...

I won a tv back in the 80's! I used it for years!

rosemeg said...

I haven't won many things. The only thing that comes to mind is a porcelain baby doll at a raffle in my elementary school cafeteria. I don't remember what the event was, but I was pretty excited at the time.

Anonymous said...

Love this! I just won a microwave and indoor grill at a wedding shower!

Sara said...

What an adorable pouch!

If I don't count dh as my greatest prize, it would have to be the sewing machine I won from Regis and Kathy Lee almost 20 years ago. They give away much bigger gifts these days, but I'm still using that machine!

M.E. Greene said...

I love it! The best gift I ever won was two folk paintings from Tascha Parkinson on her blog Time with Tascha. One was an original watercolor and the other was a print. I was stoked!

Anya said...

My greatest prize was a crafty blogger's giveaway that included a donation to a food bank.
Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!

Esther Diehl said...

There was a Valentine's Day in college where the Professor asked who was having the worst Valentine's. I raised my hand to explain we had just found out my dog had cancer.

Needless to say, I won the 'prize' that day.

I love the fabric used in this pouch!

no4daughter said...

Sadly, I haven't won very many prizes. I won a raffle at a fishing contest once and got a chicken dinner from a local diner though!

Jess said...

Well the last time I remember winning a contest would be in 8th grade we placed first in the egg drop contest for Science Olympiad. Yeah I was a geek.

Liz said...

I won a Fisher Price House Party with lots of awesome fisher price toys for my son.

Katy said...

The greatest prize I ever won was a research paper contest in college--I won $100, which went towards buying books for the next semester. :)

two hippos said...

Great pouch! As for best prize, I won the DC Metro poster contest when I was a kind. My parents still have the framed poster I made. I don't know that I got anything for it though, other than the frame.

Jennifer said...

The greatest prize I ever won and received was a bracelet and gift certificate to Twisted Silver.

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Melissa said...

My Hubs once won a new grill from Home Depot... that's my best vicarious win :) I don't think I have any of my own, but I'd love today to be my lucky day!

Sarah said...

Very cute. I like the coordinating fabric. I won an ipod at a company party once... that is probably the best thing I've ever won!

Deb said...

Easy -- a round trip plane ticket -- I went to see my big brother who I hadn't seen in a very long time, and my mom bought my son's ticket so that he could come along = } Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway!!!

Cathy said...

As a kid, I came in 2nd in my town's 4th of July freckle counting contest. I won a sweatshirt. It was a lot of fun.

Jingle said...

I won a contest for some scrapbooking stuff I created and I got $500 for it. The money itself wasn't what was great, but that money allowed me to create my first "real" designed scrapbook room! I was thrilled!!!
jinglesells at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I recently won fq's from free spirit - fabrics that aren't out yet! Only problem - I can't cut into them - too beautiful :)
Love you bag - who doesn't need another bag!?

Fine Needle Aspiration said...

When I was younger, my family and I went to the Bozo show. You know, with the crazy clown and lots of screaming kids. Well when it came to the end of the show where they draw a name of someone to go down and throw the balls in the bucket...they drew my name. I was so nervous my hands were all shaky, so I only managed to get 2 buckets. Even so, I won some crazy board game and a stuffed animal. Yay or memories!

Krista said...

Hmm... I won a sock monkey from homemadebyjill this fall - that was pretty exciting!

turvid said...

Very nice give-away.

I don't think I've ever won anything...

Liz said...

Not a winner yet...
Maybe today?

Bonus Mom said...

Okay when I was like 12 years old and VCR's were new I entered a contest at a local grocery store and won! That is the coolest thing I have ever won. And I took that VCR to college with me too. It finally died a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

I won three Bum Genius diapers once. I was sooo, sooo happy. My daughter has used them and used them. :)

Texastiger said...

Lovely giveaway. The fabric looks really nice especially the interior stripes. I haven't won much but once I got a gift card to a local grocery store - that was nice cuz it was very practical.
Thanks for the opportunity to participate.

Amy said...

I never win and I'm sure I'm not going to win this one....but I've got to keep trying! Happy Holidays! (You thought I was going to say bah humbug didn't you!)

Lindsey said...

Greatest prize? I've won something twice, ever, I think. One was fabric from Sew, Mama,Sew, and the other was a book from SouleMama. Both made me very excited!

nerissa lindenfelser said...

I don't think I've ever won a thing in my life. I was one jellybean in a jar away from the right answer one time!

r e b e c k a said...

Maybe not my favourite win but my favourite competition... when I was around seven I won a starters stamp collecting kit by guessing the exact number of stamps in a jar... I still remember they were 643! :)
Who's not a sucker for stripes anyway!

Twyla said...

The greatest thing I have ever won would have to be a bike when I was about 10 yrs old.

Liz said...

I don't think I've won much! I have a vague memory of winning some big Brownie (as in girl scouts not cakes!) contest, but have no idea what I'd done to win - think I won a toy elephant that was cherished for a while.

Love the pouch!

amy said...

I once won a fantasy football contest by choosing my teams based on mascots and team colors! :-) The guys were upset.

melissa s. said...

i won an atari video game system in grade school. i think that's the ONLY thing i've ever won, so it's the best, lol! happy holidays!!!

kleine said...

A stereo from the new newasgent in my street. The owner was so angry because I only bought chewing gums and got the big prize!

Diane Grenkow said...

I'm a sucker for stripes, too! Excellent pouch! My best prize ever was a camera when I was eleven -- I still have it and used it until I finally gave in to digital...

Beca said...

i won a baby quilt on a blog...it is so cool...some fabric with lemons all over it.

JW said...

The best prize I ever won ws a $100 gift certificate to Joann's. I love the pouch. I just got a new camera and was thinking of making a case. Now, I wouldn't have to...
josilva3 at yahoo dot com

Monica Gee said...

Well, let's see, the most fabulous prize ever won? Once at a craft show I won a free booth for the next year. That was pretty nice!

meg said...

I was ten years old and I won a 25 pound turkey from the local meat market.

LauraJ said...

this is very pretty!!

Stephanie B said...

Love the strips!

Lisa said...

I'm a sucker for a good stripe, too, and I love the idea of adding fleece to it.

The best - and only, I think - prize I've ever won was a concert ticket when I was in college. I was the 10th caller or something of that nature.

Tina said...

I won a $50 gift certificate to a dance studio for my daughter. That was pretty cool! Love the pouch!

Sally said...

the greatest prize I've ever won was $200 on an instant scratcher...mainly b/c it was one of those holiday ones and it was the biggest prize possible!

Leslie said...

I once one 100 dollar gift card to the mall! It was an unexpected but most pleasently accepted gift.
leslierose at gmail dot com

B. said...

it will be this prize! i have never won anything, seriously!

Naomi S. Adams said...

Awesome bag, I'm a sucker for stripes too. The greatest prize? People enjoying my art quilts.

:) Naomi

Rachel said...

I sold the winning turkey raffle ticket when I was a kid and the principal took me out to lunch :)

Victoria said...

That fabric is gorgeous! When I was 12 and was glued to FM radio (that gives you a clue to my age) I won a gold pen by saying a jingle really fast on-air. I've won much nicer things but as my first win, it was sweet ;-)


affectioknit2 said...

What a lovely pouch! We won tickets to a Twins game!

Unknown said...

I won 300$ for winning the holiday cake competition in taste of home magazine last year!

KristenL said...

Gosh, I haven't won a lot of prizes, but I did win a free yard of fabric once and was ecstatic.

I love your pouch BTW, perfect fabric combo.

buebau said...

I love your pouch.
You know, I got some prizes in internet and it is dificult to name only one...
I wan the entire Sis Boom basics line from Jenifer Pagannelli (1 yard of each one).
But I think the one I liked the most was a black package that was sent to me and some of my flickr contacts filled with fabric and beads, without any identification. Every package was personalised having in consideration the profile of who wasgoing to receive it. And at first no one knew who send those amazing packages. And the funiest part was that those who discovered never told the other. This happened in May '08 and I only found out who send that in October.
That was so fun and generous from a dear and sweet friend... I'll never forget.
Take a look at my blog and enter my give away :)

giveitawhirl3 said...

Love the pouch!
I have Never won anything in my life. Seriously.

Charity said...

The greatest prize I've ever won? My husband! :0)

Ly + Alan said...

What a cute bag - i'd love to win it.

the best prize i ever won was concert tickets to see Bruce Springsteen when I was 7 years old. =)


Madame FM said...

I once won a three day trip to Miami. That was awesome.

Mamasoo said...

Tickets to Splish Splash on Long Island, NY! My daughter said she was going to win, and when she did, I didn't believe her! Thanks!

Pick me, Monty!

ClaraE said...

the greatest prize I ever won is the gift of my boyfriend and his family. I just got back from a wonderful weekend of thanksgiving with him and his sister's family.

Erica said...

I've never won a blog contest - in fact I don't think I've won anything as an adult.

As weird as this is going to be, I won a spot in in mime class in the 4th grade. It was 1 1/2 hours that got me out of school work and I loved it.

Jenn said...

I won a glass pig piggybank as a child and that was one of the happiest days of my young life. I haven't thought about that for a long time, thanks. westphal.jennifer@gmail.com

Steph said...

Very nifty! Thank you!

HandmadeByLalli said...

I don't think I ever won anything, actually I never tried. I always believed there is nothing like a free lunch. Hope I win now. :)
ragtrader3 at gmail dot com.

Brie said...

My husband won an ipod once, does that count? We gave it to his sister as a wedding present!

Rhiannon said...

I won a hundred bucks in high school for an acting award.

Karin said...

The best prize I ever one was my driver's licence ;)
Not a joke though. I just got a coupon for all the classes and saved a lot of money.

suburban farm said...

whene i was eight i won 3rd place in a art contest

Anne said...

Love the pouch! The ONLY thing I've ever won was a giant easter basket with a huge stuffed easter bunny and some candy in it. Although, to this day, my little sister claims it should have been hers since she lent me the dollar to buy the ticket!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Emilyplays said...

Love your pouch and your question! The greatest (and only!) prize I have ever won was fabric from SewMamaSew!! It was a glorious day!

John said...

Wow, great pouch! I know some people who would love this as a Christmas gift ... from me, of course! :)

As for prizes, I can't recall any that I've actually ever won ... certainly not here in the blogiverse, no matter how many giveaways I enter! Hopefully my chances are better today, with so many great giveaways going on.

ChrisC said...

What a great pouch! I love the fabric combos (and I, too, am a sucker for good stripes).

The best thing I ever won was a pair of rollerblades at my high school prom after-party. Actually, that might be the ONLY thing I've ever won, and that was, oh, almost 15 years ago. I think I'm due winning something again :-)

Stephanie said...

oooh - so pretty! This probably isn't what you meant by a prize but I think my greatest prize is my daughter. We have only boys in her generation of my entire extended family. Even my cousins all have boys. There's 15 of them. So when I had a daughter it was like winning the lottery! She's truly a treasure too so I couldn't hope to win anything better than her. :)

The Giveaway Diva said...

i would lvoe to win this!!! love the combo!!

Melody said...

Hmm. It was a great prize! I won it really by luck even though there were 400 over entries! Im hoping i'll get lucky again this time!


Unknown said...

I won a small pouch! haha. I didn't join much giveaways till recently..

Thanks for the chance. You made my day!

Crystal(manhattandolls[at]gmail dot com)

Hannah said...

This is funny.... the greatest prize I ever won was $1000 playing bingo when I was 16. I saved all of it for a year and used it as a down payment on my first car :) Playing BINGO.. lol

Karissa said...

Cute! My best prize was an Amy Butler giveaway from Craftsanity, which I'm actually blogging about tomorrow!

sfer said...

I once entered a literary contest that I didn't win... because the jury had lost my short story!! It was back in high school, and we ended up finding out that the envelope with my story had been misplaced. The literature department then got me a book as a present, since once they read the story, they all agreed that I would have won... It was the best!!

Thanks for this giveaway... :-)


Wendy said...

The most memorable thing I've ever won was a gift certificate to a local restaurant. I was 12 years old at the time, and we were dirt poor and didn't eat out much. So, I was able to take my family out for dinner, and it was really really fun!

adrienne said...

Oh, I love the fabrics you used!
I think the best prize I ever won was a pair of handknit socks. Totally cozy and awesome.

Marissa said...

I have never won any prize, it would be my first if I won yours!

Sacagawea Extreme said...

Love it! The best thing I ever won was a satellite radio! I told my husband that I had never won anything and I was determined to win this time. Sure enough, I did! I was so thrilled!

P.S. I love your travel wallets!

Sara said...

I feel like I never win prizes! Hope I win this one :).

Bec Clarke said...

That is too cute.
I won $3000 on the final bingo draw on a cruise several years ago. It was great. Covered the cost of the trip and all my shopping.

arah said...

i won $100 from Taco Bell.

Anonymous said...

Up until a few days ago I'd tell you I'd never won anything. But I recently won a pack of fall scrapbook paper and also a vet dress up kit for my kids. All in the span of two weeks. I'd hope to say my luck is changing! :)

I'd love to win a cute little something like this. That pouch is dear and I love the idea of lining it with fleece to cushion the contents a bit!

michelou said...

I won a $500 travel voucher at a Wedding fair. Pretty snazzy gift! The hubby and I took a quick trip prior to the wedding to relax from the stresses of wedding planning - call it a "pre-honeymoon"


Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!

The best prize I ever won, was actually won by my son. He was about 7 and always seemed to run second or third in everyhing, that was until the school held a spaghetti eating contest. My champion kid came first for the first time in his life and the smile on his messy face was priceless. I have a photo of him proudly holding up his cerificate and his prize of a giant tin of spaghetti.

Tim said...

I agree, those stripes are great.

I won 10 Kaffe Fassett fat quarters from SMS. They are wonderful and I still haven't cut them up!


Anonymous said...

I'd like soooo much to win your great giveaway, this pouch is simply delightful and it should be a perfect gift for my birthday (yes, yes, it's tomorrow, 4th of december! :o)...)...so I'll keep my fingers crossed, goodness knows if Fortune will smile on me! ;o)

A big hug from Italy and thanks again so much for this chance!

Oh, and about the greatest prize I've ever won...well, my daughter Federica, for sure! ;o)

Rather Be Whistling said...

I love the pouch! I won a bicycle at the fair when I was young. The fire department dropped numbered ping pong balls. I happened to pick up the winning number. I couldn't ride the bike because it was too big for me, but one of the neighborhood boys needed a bike so I got to give it to him.

emerzim said...

I once won a really nice red nursing bra from Cool Mom Picks. It was when I was feeling fat and ugly and gross and was a well needed pick me up!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love the fabric in this pouch! Thank you so much for the chance! The greatest prize I ever won was for some delicious fabric!

Linda said...

The greatest prize I ever won was a year supply of bonne bell products when I was 13. I was over the moon! I can't say I've won anything since...so fingers crossed!


Stephanie said...

The fabric is beautiful! Very nice work!

Camellia said...

100 dollars on a lottery ticket I got in a white elephant gift party. lol

camellia_ruth at yahoo dot com

Thank you.

Unknown said...

The greatest prize I've ever won? A $20 gift card to my favorite coffee shop during a "Home Movie Day" random drawing. Best part was, I didn't expect to win.

But maybe, I will have to change my answer to this question if you pick me!

Christina said...

I love it! Great fabric and pattern combos. And my favorite prize? My husband :).

Katie said...

I've only won one contest (I am new to this blog giveaway phenomenom) and it was a dove shaped ornament.

None None said...

So pretty! I am all about the stripes too. Hmm - greatest prize I've ever won... that's a tough one but I would have to say my husband as I'm very fortunate to have him. Does he count? :)

Sarah said...

very cute!!

sarahburkstein at gmail dot com

Stacy said...

The only prize I have ever won was just recently on the SMS site: the creative family book.

Sonia said...

I love that pouch! My Mom would love it too! The greatest prize I ever won was from Chaos! Comics! I won a safe which had an original piece of artwork of Lady Death along with the prototype Lady Death action figure! I won the prize for writing an essay on whom I hated the most XD!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I have won lots of things. My favorite is a bracelet that was handstamped with whatever I wanted...I picked my kids names and 'love makes little things grow'. It brings a smile everytime I wear it.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I once won a week-long all-inclusive (car rental, too) trip for two to Spain (I live in Canada). I know! It was great... I think I used up all my winning in one go, though - haven't won anything since!

edward and lilly said...

Cute pouch, lovely to stop by your blog too. My greatest prize was recently from another blog giveaway, you can see it over on my blog.

Sandra said...

The most exciting thing I have ever won, was a pair of Cowboy boots at a rodeo. It was pretty fun!

Sarah said...

Those fabrics are JUST adorable. I have never won anything. :(
Once I got tickets to see Kenny Loggins when I gave blood, but I'm not sure that counts since I didn't win and it kind of sucked.

Laurie Wisbrun | Scarlet Fig said...

Fantastic color combination. And padding is a GREAT idea. When I was 7 I called into the radio station and won an ABBA album. I danced and danced. :)

lizap said...

Count me in! Thanks for participating in the giveaway.

Best prize I ever won was tickets to see Lyle Lovett and his Large Band in concert.

Millissa said...

Would love to win, thanks for the chance!!

Kali said...

I'd love to enter your contest. Thanks for your generosity.


Karen said...

LOVE IT! And the greatest prize I ever won...hummm...I "won" my wonderful hubby. I also feel like I "won" when I got pregnant with my daughter after being infertile for four years! Thanks for the chance to win!

Candied Fabrics said...

We had to buy $180 worth of scratch tickets for a charity raffle (cause we didn't sell them to people they way we were supposed to). But we ended up winning a DVD player installed in my hubby's new truck!

Sunnymommie said...

beautiful bag! when it my birthday 18 years old and I decided to play lottery and it keep me won .. like $25 then $75 and then another $100.. it like bless my brithday gift :)

jenna said...

I once won two plane tickets to South Carolina - took my mama!

Maggie said...

At a company picnic, I won $1000 from United Airlines. I was able to fly home for Christmas and have a great Spring Break in South Carolina.

Thank you for the chance at the giveaway and have a great holiday!

l said...

I can't remember the last thing I won! :)

Beautia said...

the best prize i won was two tickets to see the band snow patrol. unfortunately i was unable to go to the concert.

i am also a sucker for a good stripe. i love the bag!

happy holidays!
beautia AT gmail DOT com

Moira-Lin said...

I once won tickets to a concert. Please enter me for the cute bag.

Emily said...

Love the fabric - free tickets to the Wiggles concert for my friend's kids - definitely the best prize I ever won.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm a sucker for stripes too!

My favorite prize I ever won was a Dancing with the Stars poole on ravelry. I got yarny goodness from 14 people! The surprises were nice!

valerieann118 said...

$50 dollar gift card to the mall, just last week! valerieann118atmsndotcom

Jodie said...

Haha--I don't know if I've ever won anything other than a few scrapbook pages. So I hope I get to win something during this great giveaway! :) Here's hoping. :)


kate said...

so lovely! thanks so much for the opportunity! (pick me, pick me!)

best thing i ever won. . . a gift cert to kangaroodle!

Jane said...

That pouch is just perfect -- I love those fabrics!

Well, I am not a real big prize winner. I think the best thing I have ever won was an alarm clock when I was in grade 5 and played Bingo at the fair.

Thanks for the chance to enter!

Ali said...

I am a sucker for anything with brown colors in it :)
I can't remember ever having won anything, except for $5 on a scratch off lotto ticket someone gave me about five years ago. My husband won an iPod at his work last year, that's pretty good.

Allie said...

Cool givaway! Thanks for the chance to win--very generous of you! I've never won a prize--so I hope this is the best prize I've ever won!

Sheyb said...

I am adding you to my bookmarks. :D Best thing I ever won? hmmmm... the only thing I have ever won was a bunch of scrapbooking supplies from Heidi Swapp. :)

Beth M said...

Love your pouch! My favorite prize is a handmade journal that I won last year.

lao80 said...

I won a vegnews gift pack.

I love your fabric choices.

Keep It Simple said...

I love your little pouch! I once won $5 on a scratch off ticket!

Leanna said...

Oh, so I won the county coloring contest and got to be in a circus parade as the prize...pretty cool when your in kindergarten!! Thanks for the chance!

Brooke said...

I haven't won anything lately. But when I was a teenager I tried to win backstreet boy tickets. I was one caller short :( I won tickets to a different concert, and had a blast!

Emily said...

In high school I won a $500 savings bond on graduation night...that was a good one :)

adamandem at yahoo dot com

Jennie said...

I can't think of anything that I've ever won! Maybe this will be my lucky day :)

Jess said...

I'm not sure I've ever won a prize - but my dad won (and took me) tickets to the superbowl!

Michelle said...

I love the pouch!

Hmmm, I don't know if I've ever won anything... Certainly not off of a blog or anything.

Wait - once I did win a gift certificate to a restaurant for getting 2nd prize in a halloween costume contest.

Beth said...

The greatest prize I've ever won:

Second row tickets to see the Monkees in concert back in the 80's when they were on a reunion tour.


Jessica said...

I won a giveaway when I was young and the prize was a...Bike! I was so excited!

sarah said...

very nice.
the best thing I won was a trip to wisconsin dells in 4th grade for my whole family.

beagoodmom said...

love the dark colors. I won a giant stuffed duck once, before I had kids. We kept it for years and the kids liked jumping on him, but I finally got rid of it recently. (drooled on one time to many , for my taste)

Tiffany said...

Cute! I love that!

The greatest prize I ever won was tickets to see Snow Patrol. The show ended up being on my birthday. It was a great night out with my husband. :)

indywriter said...

I won the world's greatest grandma!

One night she took my beloved doll and made her an entire wardrobe. All in one night and sewn by hand, too. She makes the most beautiful quilts. She dropped out of high school in the 11th grade to marry my grandpa, and has been one tough lady. She's who I want to be.

Jenn said...

I won a book and a $25 amazon gift card in a drawing. Still a fantastic win for me...but something to help my yarn habit is also now welcome :)
Love the pouch...am thinking it would fit my knit & crochet odds and ends perfectly

FlowerMomma said...

love it!

Becca said...

I won some Christmas cellophane treat bags at a training meeting for teachers today :)

the goughs said...

This is so cute! So I don't think I've ever won a prize, but while in the nosebleed section at a Josh Groban concert, my sister and I were selected and got to sit front row center for the concert! It was pretty awesome!

Busy Nothings said...

The greatest prize I have ever won was an autographed baseball!

Ginny said...

Great prize. My best prize was a $300 prize from Scrapbooks Etc. IT was a bunch of mags, $75 to amazon & a ton of adhesives.

Unknown said...

Beautiful bag! I'm sure I've won a prize before, but I can't think of one right now....

crazydavises at gmail dot com

Nichole said...

Greatest prize ever won was a $100 gift certificate to Costco. Thanks!

woolybooger said...

I won my husband's heart. :) The best thing I've ever won.

katie said...

love the pouch. best prize - last year i won a $200 gift certificate for a jewelry store as part of a benefit raffle. i still need to spend it, i was thinking to use it for christmas presents for my mom and mom-in-law.

deliarose said...

When I was in 5th grade, a local hardware store was having a grand opening & I won a whole case of Goop hand cleaner.

37 Questions said...

I won a trip to South Carolina. It was great! Thanks for a great giveaway!
jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com

Apryl said...

Great Giveaway! Nice to meet you! You can see my giveaway here:



Elizabeth Morrison said...

To the best of my memory, I have never won a prize. Sad, right? lol

Scrappinfor3 said...

I won some awesome stamping supplies once. . . it's been a while since I won something. . .

Emily said...

I've won some great giveaways, but I was amazed once at a raffle to win a pair of silver earrings - that was exciting!


Anonymous said...

How sad, I can't think of anything that I have won that I wanted... maybe this will be the first time!

Emmi said...

This would be absolutely lovely to win and I hope I do because I think would flip!

Thanks so much for the chance too!

e-mail: perfectpunkin@yahoo.com

dana said...

Very cute!
the greatest prize I ever won??
Hmmm....I'm not sure I've ever won anything huge. I won a yard of cute fabric a month ago. That was great :).
Thanks for hosting a giveaway!


neighbourhood.gal said...

Very nice! I once won a coloring contest.

erika~ the inspired mama said...

it is so cute! i love it!

i won a really cool baby carrier a while back... a babyhawk! that was pretty exciting!

Digital Misfit said...

Gorgeous pouch! love the fabrics you used.

The best prize I ever won was an all inclusive trip for 4 to Jamaica from Sunny Delight (yup, SunnyD, that icky orange beverage).
I was so excited I screamed.
I bought a new tropical wardrobe for the trip and had a pedicure to show off my new sandals.
Then multiple mini disasters struck and none of us were able to go. I had to forfeit the trip (non-refundable, non-transferable).
I still have the now-useless airline tickets in my drawer as a reminder of how cruel fate can be.


Siew said...

Love the pouch. I used to win every door prize imaginable but I've had a bit of a dry spell in the past few years. The best prize I ever won was at a paddling race and I won a Thule roof box. Except for the fact that I had carpooled from Vancouver to Seattle and didn't have any way of getting it home! Ended up bribing someone to bring it home who had to try and convince the border guard that it really was a prize.

Megan said...

Well I just won a book by Leslie Ludy, I am pretty excited about that. But I cannot think of anything major. Thanks for the chance to win now, though!


KCordell said...

love those colors and your little pouches.

Kathleen J. said...

When I was about 12 (not telling how many years ago) I won $50 from a local mall. It was close to Christmas so I used it to buy gifts for my family, 4 siblings and my parents. I felt so rich!

TheAccidentalCrafter said...

Haven't won anything crafty yet but my biggest win was a $250 gift voucher to purchase medical text books.

I have to agree with you, the stripes make the bag.


Sarah DeSalvo said...

I won $2000 right before I got married - we bought a Select comfort bed, and have been using it ever since... that was almost 9 years ago now!!!
junglewife AT gmail DOT com

Kimberly said...

Ooh, a zipper pouch. Can never have enough of those! And I know this sounds lame but I hardly ever win anything. The last time I remember winning anything would have been second grade, I won a pumpkin candle in class. (I'm now 30!) My mom however is a super lucky person, she once won a free cruise to Mexico. :)
Thanks for your generosity!

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