Experiments with dye
Wow, February is zipping by me at lightening speed! We had the younger kidling's birthday party with a Candyland Theme, complete with a green-screen Candy Tram ride that Chris whipped up in a few days. And we're still reeling from the sugar rush!
Last weekend, through a harmonic convergence of getting caught up with my shop, a well-timed play-date and a technical rehearsal, I had the house completely to myself for 2 hours! So I dug out some natural merino roving I'd bought ages ago and messed around with dying it.
The kidlings and I experimented with Kool-aid dyes before so this time I added Wilton's Food Coloring Gels. I've had these for (literally) years, so some of them were kind of gummy. Next time I do this, I'll go buy some new jars. I used instructions from Keep On Knitting in the Free World and they worked like a charm.
I ended up using Wilton's Brown, Copper, and Kelly Green along with Kool-Aid Lemonade.Here's half the roving after a good soaking in water with the dyes squirted on with a turkey baster. At this point I seriously doubted my color choices and felt strangely drawn to the idea of spaghetti for dinner. Next up was a few trips through the microwave and drying out in the shower to become this:
I like the colors together but wish I'd used two to three times more dye. I'm excited to spin it up, though, and see what I get!
And finally, I got a lovely award as a "You Make My Day Blog" from Jocelyn! Thank you so, much Jocelyn! (I'm kind of shy when it comes to tagging other people, so it may take a little while to pass along the award.)
How fun to have a couple of hours just for yourself!
Can you still over dye the roving if you want more color saturation??? I hope it will turn out well :)
Well, I hope you're not too shy when it comes to getting tagged, 'cause I just tagged you on my site. So play the silly game, will ya? ;)
Dyeing looks fun, but I'm not sure my husband would let me pick up yet another hobby. :)
Oh, and I tagged you on my site, so if you get bored, come play the silly game:
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